‘Keep Out, Stay Out™’ (KOSO™) is the principal vehicle for Intentional Living Alliance, Inc. to accomplish its primary mission: to work with the disadvantaged—such as inmates, those suffering from addiction, and at-risk teens—to provide training, opportunities, and resources which will give them the inspiration, knowledge, skills, tools, and support to gain control of their lives and intentionally achieve the life and success they can now only hope is possible.
‘Keep Out, Stay Out™’ (KOSO™). KOSO™ is divided into three (3) segments:
- ‘Keep Out’ segment, which are facilities and programs designed to work with addicts and other disadvantaged persons prone to unlawful behaviors to prevent them from committing illegal acts, therefore, keeping them out of jail/prison;
- Inmate Training segment, which is the process of conducting The Intentional Life™ program to the incarcerated in order to prepare them for living their intentional life on the outside; and,
- ‘Stay Out’ segment, which are facilities and programs designed to work with inmates released from jail/prison to assist in their re-entry to society as productive citizens and give them what they need to prevent criminal behaviors, therefore, ensuring they stay out of jail/prison.
There are many programs and facilities for inmates, addicts, and at-risk teens. What makes ILA™ different? Intentional Life Integration™. With the Intentional Living System™ designed by Intentional Achievements, LLC as the foundation, ILA™ builds a comprehensive and sound personal structure integrating the nine (9) areas of life [primary relationship; family, career, finance, health, social, community, spiritual and personal] to produce peaceful, purposeful, powerful and productive Intentional individuals.
Integrative medicine focuses on causes—not symptoms—of any ailment in the body, including chemical dependency. With an end goal of returning the chemically dependent individual’s body to a natural state of balance, integrative medicine harnesses the scientific advances of Western medicine, while integrating aspects of alternative medicine into an alcohol or drug-dependent individual’s treatment plan. Alcoholism and drug addiction are not viewed as incurable diseases—but rather as symptoms of underlying physical or mental conditions that need to be resolved. Integrative medicine also makes use of specialized diagnostic testing. Blood chemistry analysis tests and technologically advanced scans can uncover root causes for addiction, revealing organs, systems or processes that have become imbalanced or blocked within the body. Once these conditions have been treated the symptoms of alcoholism and drug addiction will resolve along with the root physical and psychological issues themselves.
Intentional Life Integration™, combined with the more traditional approaches including 12-step programs, counseling, as well as other recovery and re-entry programs we will offer, makes ILA™ the most comprehensive, holistic, and innovative solution for our disadvantaged community. Our objective has always been and will continue to be, to work with government and private agencies to gather data, establish measurement systems, and document measurable results in reducing recidivism and enhancing the quality of life and success of all with whom we work which will unquestionably reduce the financial burden on government and society
Inmate Training Program
Intentional Living Alliance, Inc (ILA)’s Intentional Life: Inmate Training Program grew out of the successful process of conducting The Intentional Life™ program with the incarcerated in order to prepare them for living their intentional life on “the outside.” Through training, opportunities, and resources, ILA aims to provide inmates with the knowledge, skills, tools, inspiration, and support they require to gain control of their lives and intentionally achieve the life and success they only hope is possible.
The Intentional Life: Inmate Training Program is beneficial for all types of inmates, including those who have suffered abuse, have abused others, and/or suffer from drug or alcohol addiction. According to a study by the United States Department of Education, nearly 25% of prisoners who have taken some type of training while in prison are less likely to return to prison within three years of their release. The study also demonstrated that for every dollar spent on educating the inmates, there are two dollars saved because many will avoid re-incarceration.
The Intentional Life: Inmate Training Program takes the rehabilitation concept further in providing practical, powerful and proven training that promotes long-term behavioral change for life-long benefit. The program is a nine-week course with two sessions a week focused on nine key areas of life [primary relationship, family, career, finance, health, social, community, spiritual, and personal]. Through reinforcement and practical exercises, the program has the capacity to transform the lives of inmates so they become contributing members of society upon release, reducing the rate of offenders recycled back into the prison system and making the community a better and safer place to live.
About ILA
Intentional Living Alliance, Inc. (ILA™) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization helping teens and adults live more rewarding, successful, meaning and joyful lives. More prevalent today than any other time in history, the majority of us feel, and in many cases actually are, in “‘fire-fighting” mode much of the time. We, as parents, teachers, friends, siblings, as well as our teens, find ourselves reacting constantly to outside stimuli, distractions, interruptions, and problems around us instead of taking charge, anticipating, planning, engaging in root-cause problem solving, and as Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary says of intend: “to design for a specified use or future.” This is one of the key areas that we can actually feel and be “in control.” And, this is a key focus Intentional Living Alliance uses to help individuals live a more Intentional Life. Control. Not in a power or position sense, but an organized, well-managed, proactive, purposeful sense.
Insanity is defined as consistently doing the same thing over and over, and expecting things to change. Yet many of us are “insanely” going about our lives and careers wondering why we are where we are. Why are things out of control? Why can’t I accomplish this? Why aren’t I further along? Why does this keep happening to me? Why is there never enough time? But, since we can only do what we know, we keep doing the same old thing and hoping for a different end result.
The Intentional Life™ programs will be utilized to assist this under-served population to raise their self-esteem, identify their purpose and values, learn coping skills to deal with the everyday challenges of life, such as: dealing with family and friends, establishing and maintaining successful relationships (marriages, parent-child, siblings, and neighbors, etc.) balancing household budgets, setting personal financial goals and meeting them, beating bouts of depression, fighting any form of addictions (drugs, sex, gambling, and food, etc.), overcoming laziness and procrastination, avoiding criminal activities and actions, balancing the different demands, rights, and obligations of life, as well as, improve communications skills, personal time management, and other necessary life skills.